What to Expect

Although the aim of therapy does vary depending on the approach of the therapist, one thing you can expect is that you will be given the time and space to explore the things that you are struggling with in your life. As your thoughts, feelings and experiences are really heard and understood, this can help you to find new perspectives and new meanings.

This part of therapeutic process can be hard work because it can involve looking at things that are deeply painful. It may mean you have to ‘let go’ of old habits and old ways of looking at things as part of a journey of self-discovery. However, as you begin to have a deeper understanding of yourself and your situation, this can also help you to feel clearer about things. From this new perspective, it can feel easier to feel a sense of direction from within, enabling you to make choices and decisions and take charge of your life.

As your therapist, I will aim to be by your side through this process, offering you warmth, support and compassion as you find your unique way of understanding and living your life. I will not have the answers, but will give you the space and gentle challenge, if needed, to find your own answers from within. How long this takes can vary from person to person – you are free to have as many or as few sessions as you feel you need. For more information about this and what are the next steps, please click here.